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Performers for Acker Night – 2024 terms & information.
December 13, 2024 – 5:30 – 8:30 p.m.
All applications should be received by October 1st
Dear Performers – first let me say how much we appreciate all of you who have participated in Acker Night throughout the years! Your generosity has allowed us to offer many private-lesson scholarships to our local youth, as well as donate funds to each school district in the area specifically for their music programs.
I understand this is a volunteer position and will not be paid. All tips collected go to the Acker Night committee to be used for the quad city school music programs, private-lesson scholarships and other local musical needs.
I am responsible for placing the Acker Night tip bag in front of the musical performer. Only the Acker tip bag will be allowed. No personal tip bags will be allowed on Acker Night. Bag must be given to business before leaving event.
I am responsible for contacting my designated business to set up my needs and time, once scheduled by Acker Night.
I am responsible for being on time for the event and leaving the establishment in a clean and friendly manner. I understand I am representing Acker Night as a volunteer.
Acker night is not responsible or liable for lost or stolen items, time, or wages.
I agree to allow Acker association to use any photos/film images of me for promotional material to represent Acker Night.
This is your invitation to perform for Acker Night, Friday December 13, 2024, 5:30-8:30 p.m.
The goal of the non-profit J.S. Acker Music Park Assoc. is to be able to create a wonderful evening for everyone to enjoy and continue the funding for local area youth music scholarships. When you sign up, you are agreeing to: Volunteer your time and talent; ONLY collect tips for Acker Scholarships – no personal tips to be collected; Contact your assigned business to confirm the “match”; Bring and remove your personal items needed for your performance; Neither Acker Night Committee, nor the Business where you perform, is liable if your personal items are lost or stolen.
Return the enclosed reply postcard NO LATER THAN October 15th, whether or not you can participate. Returning performers, please note if any information is new this year. For instance, if you changed your name – remind us of what your former name was so we can keep our records accurate. We start matching response cards as soon as they come in so we can keep ahead of the deadline. If you make arrangements with a business on your own, we need to know immediately! For matching we consider size of performance area and genre of music requested by the business owner. You can request your favorite place to perform on the “Comment” line and we’ll accommodate that if we are able to – however, no guarantees.
Note for larger groups (8 or more OR “extensive equipment/instruments): Most of our businesses are small and merchandized for Christmas making large groups harder to place. We locate as many places as possible that can accommodate larger acts, but we cannot promise that all will be placed.
Performers who request to play part-time: We allow part-time participation; however, unless you have a match with another part-timer, it is difficult for the Committee to accommodate this request. We take part-time requests into consideration after all full-time performers have been placed. If you are only able to perform for 1-1/2 hours, being flexible about which half will help you to be placed - at least 75% request the first half. Remember, all participating businesses want all 3 hours of music as Acker promises for their donation.
You will be notified in mid-November with the details of your business location and contact information. Because we cannot always depend on prompt U.S. Mail delivery, we strongly encourage you to contact your assigned business right away to confirm with each other.
Once again “tip bags” will be placed with each business owner for you to use to collect money for our Scholarship Funds. Please take time during your performance to promote the “tips for scholarships.” Leave the tips & bag with the owner at the end of the evening. We help many local young musicians with their private lessons from the proceeds of these tip bags. Some of these young people would have to go without music lessons without your help. Thank you for your generous support of Acker Night!
The Acker Committee
928 778-5460