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Businesses looking for Performers for Acker Night
2024 Information
December 13, 2024 – 5:30 – 8:30 pm
Opening Ceremony 5:00 – 5:30 pm
Dear Business Owner,
We appreciate that most of our downtown businesses have participated in this event over the years and “know the ropes.” We do need every participating business to SIGN UP EACH YEAR.
One of the most difficult tasks for our Committee Members has been to GET THE REPLY CARDS BACK from the businesses. Therefore, we are attempting to collect them on a visit in person. We will gladly take your donation at that time, if possible, as well. If a “reply card” has been left for you with this letter – please fill it out and return it promptly!
For your $75.00 donation, you will receive:
a performer for your business for three hours: 5:30-8:30 p.m.
a 12” x 18” sign for your business window
your business and performer listed in the event programs and on our website.
thousands of potential customers visiting your business
The $75.00 participation donation covers our administrative expenses as well as a donation to each of our local school districts for their music programs. The performers all donate their time and the proceeds from the “Tip Bags” are used for private-lesson scholarships for our tri-city-area children. If you are unable to host a musical group, you may choose to be a “Participating Sponsor” for the same $75.00 donation and your business will be publicized as mentioned above. There is a space to check on the reply card for this choice.
Your “reply card” must be received by October 1st for you to participate. You may request a particular music style or a particular performer on the comment line we will attempt to accommodate the request; however, we have no way to guarantee it. If you choose your own performer, we must have their contact info (phone # or email address) so we can confirm for our records.
You will be notified in mid-November with the details of your performer(s) and their contact information. You may send your donation of $75.00 with your reply card. Businesses will be invoiced with the performer assignment letter if they have not paid prior to the time of that mailing. If we have assigned you a performer, we recommend that you contact your performer soon to verify that your match is secure. Unfortunately, there have been more instances of “lost mail” in recent years.
To ensure that this enormous task of coordinating performers with businesses goes as smoothly as possible we ask that if any performer(s) contacts you directly regarding performing, please refer them to the Acker Committee. If you plan to arrange for your own performer, inform us on your reply card WITH their complete contact (phone/email) information. A committee member will contact them for confirmation and for a mailing address so we can send them our information letter. Then there will be no surprises that evening, particularly the fact that they are DONATING their entire time and their tips to Acker Music Scholarships.
Thank you for your support of Acker Night.
Sincerely, The Acker Musical Showcase